Monday, May 28, 2012

A Day In The Life: Danvers, MA

Well... I guess we are no longer counting days (even though technically it would be day 13) because we have safely arrived in Boston, which is our final destination point.  However, I still wanted to blog to keep you all updated on what Teej and I are doing while we are here!

The last few days we have been fortunate enough to stay at my wonderful aunt and uncles house in Danvers, MA. They have been so hospitable and gave us the entire 4th floor to ourselves. We have our own very own bedroom and bathroom. There is also an extra office room on the floor that I used yesterday morning as my workout area. It is a great setup and we are so grateful that we know someone here to stay with until we get jobs and are able to settle somewhere else. 

Yesterday was great. It was a very relaxing day where Teej and I did a total of 0 driving. Aunt Michele, Teej, my cousin Charlie (who is living there because he is home for the summer from college) and myself took a drive around the Danvers area. Aunt Michele wanted to show us the town and all it had to offer. We drove by some really cute colonial homes as well as a great park and farmers markets. On our way there, Aunt Michele wanted to show us this house that was covered in metal armor but as she was showing us she started to swerve into the other lane. Charlie was in the front and yelled "Mom, get in your lane." It was quite comical merely because of how Charlie talked to her. We all laughed about it and continued on our way. Michele proceeded to tell us that this is why my uncle Clint doesn't like her to drive much haha.. I think she is a fine driver though! The other semi comical thing that happened was when we went to the farmers market to pick up some corn on the cob for dinner. Charlie was apparently "fondling" the fruit too much so the boss came over and talked to Charlie and asked him to please not touch the fruit unless he was going to buy it. Charlie kind of stared him down and didn't say anything until he walked away. Too funny! Teej and I really enjoyed our time in the car with them. 

The rest of the day consisted of catching up on my blog and relaxing before dinner. We had a bbq that night and got to talk with my uncle Clint before heading off to bed. Again, great family to hang out with! 

Today, on the other hand was a little more eventful. We again, woke up late and took our time getting ready in the morning. It was an absolutely gorgeous day outside (high 70's) so Teej and I decided to take a walk around the neighborhood. We walked 2 miles round trip to this park by a middle school. As we were walking we were noticing how different the houses were in New England versus those in Portland. First of all, they are massive here in New England. They seem to take up corners of blocks. Now, I know that there are massive houses in Portland too but these were different. I think it was because they were also a lot older then any home in Portland. We noticed that on some of the houses we walked by there were some plaques posted on the side of the house. They usually said who owned them and what year they were built. We saw some that were built in the 1700's. CRAZY!! The walk led us to a middle school that was so big that it looked like it had previously been a high school. Michele told us later that it looked so nice because they had just done a huge remodel on it. No wonder, huh? 

The afternoon was really fun. Michele, Clint, Charlie, Teej, and I all piled in their van and headed out for what they called a "North Shore" tour. They took us all around Cape Anne starting from Danvers and ending at Gloucester. We drove all along the Atlantic Ocean which was great because Teej had never really seen or step foot in that body of water. It was a whole new experience for him. We stopped at a beach called Harbor Beach and walked along the shoreline for a while. It was a gorgeous day so putting our feet in the ocean was no big deal. The water was even kind of WARM! Clint couldn't get over how warm the water was in May. Too funny. 

We also stopped at a loading dock that wasn't attached to the ocean. There were a lot of beautiful sailing ships in the distance and also those that were tied down at the dock. We took some fun pictures there. 

We ended our journey at a place called "Woodman's." Aunt Michele and Uncle Clint had been raving about this place all day so were really excited to try the food. It was a dinner place that served fish, fish, and more fish. It was all local (except the shrimp) and at a fairly decent price. The only problem is, (well if you find this a problem) is that the food was all fried. I normally don't eat fried food very much but I figured I just had to try the infamous Woodman's fried fish. Teej and I were both glad we did because it was AWESOME! We got a big platter of all different kinds of fish and french fries. It was also a great first experience of clams and scallops, which neither of us had ever had. We were thankful that they took us there to enjoy some New England traditions. 

After the meal we all felt pretty stuffed so we headed home and watched the Boston Celtics game. They played the Miami Heat in their first game of the series and lost pretty bad. It was nice to relax and watch the game with them, however. 

Tomorrow? Off to downtown Boston! I am going to talk with someone from Blast Fitness right in the heart of downtown. Wish me luck! I am not sure if it is a proper interview but he did want me to come in and talk with him so I am taking that as a good sign! 

Thanks for reading and more tomorrow! Love to all....

There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends. John 15:13

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