Saturday, September 15, 2012

A Much Needed Update... Part 1

Hello all,

Well... it's been a long time since I have updated this blog so I figured it was about time to let you know what Teej and I have been up to since moving to the Greater Boston area. The last time I blogged was when we were still living at my aunt and uncle's house in Danvers, MA, I had barely just started my job at Latitude and Teej still didn't have a job. That is obviously very different now considering we have been living on our own for months now, I have several clients, and Teej is almost at his 3 month mark at work. 

So, where do I even begin? I was talking to Teej and we figured it would be best if I updated you all in chunks. Why? The main reason is because so much has happened and the thought of writing everything down overwhelms me. However, this also gives me a chance to do several posts instead of just one big one! Hopefully that is ok with everyone :) 


As most of you already know Teej and I live in Everett, MA in the middle level of a 3 family home. The town of Everett is not glamorous in the least, BUT it is only about 5 miles from Boston and about a 20 minute drive to my work. So, naturally it was a good location for both of us. Anyway, despite the "not so glamorous feel" of the town, it is a great home with 2 bedrooms, a huge living room, dining room, kitchen, and bathroom. We love it. In fact, we don't even know what to do with all the space. The landlord living below us is awesome and so accommodating to anything and everything we need. We honestly couldn't ask for a nicer landlord. However, the process of trying to find this place was difficult. After moving out of my aunt and uncle's home we hopped around to different motels for about 4 days before finding our house now. We both agreed that during that time we had literally hit rock bottom. It was a good experience because we had to really rely on the Lord for help because we could only do so much.  Through lots of prayer, frustration, hope, determination and tears (by me), we found our home and were able to move in the same day. It was such a huge blessing and we couldn't have been more thankful to Him for providing a home for us! 

The actual process of moving in was pretty uneventful because the only things we had were located in our car. The night we moved in we raced over to Bed, Bath, and Beyond before it closed and used our wedding gift cards (thanks everyone) to buy the main essentials we needed for the night and the next week. We felt like we were on the show "Supermarket Sweep" because of how fast we were moving. It was kinda fun. 

As of now, our house is pretty much fully furnished. Well, minus some decorations on the walls, we have all that we need. We even have a guest bed and lamp for when people come and visit us. Let me tell you, it has already been used several times. Thanks Craigslist for helping us get a cheap guest bed. :) 

Teej pointing to "Jobspring" on the bottom floor of his building. He works on the 6th floor.

I'm sure the moving process is not all you want to hear about. Let me change topics and move to our jobs. I'll start with Teej. He is currently working at Jobspring Recruiters in Boston, MA and is really enjoying it. The first two weeks consisted of several training videos and watching other co-workers make phone calls to potential candidates and companies. The goal of his job is help computer programmers find their next company to work for. Well... ladies and gentlemen, Teej is killing it and has already helped 1 person find a new job. So proud. He is hopefully on the way to placing a few more people within the next few months, which is apparently very difficult to do. Needless to say, I think he is doing a great job. The best part of it all is that he is enjoying it. I tell him as long as he likes it then I'm happy! 

So, I guess that leaves my job. Overall, I absolutely love it! For the first month or so I would go back and forth almost daily whether I wanted to quit or not. Why? Well, because it was summer time it was very difficult to get clients, so therefore I wasn't working much at all. Teej would work all day and sometimes I would work 1 or 2 hours per day and have the rest of the day off. Normally I would be ok with all the free time but because I had just moved to a new area and had no friends I felt completely alone a lot of the time and in turn, extremely homesick and discouraged. However, Teej kept telling me to stick with it and he knew it would get better. At times I didn't believe him and kept thinking I was going to fail at this job. I know, I needed to be more optimistic. Well, after about a month of being pessimistic, I began to change my attitude and started trying harder at work. By doing that, I started getting more clients and became much busier. As of now, I would say I have about 13-14 clients and am working about 20-25 hours per week depending on the week. I absolutely love ALL my clients and am so blessed to have the opportunity to help them all achieve their personal fitness goals. For example, I have already helped a 67 year old gain mobility in his neck and lower back, flexibility in his hamstrings, and have helped him lose weight, increase his endurance level and overall muscle strength. I am so proud of him. That's just a small taste of why this job can be so rewarding and why I like being at Latitude every day. I am so glad I stuck with it and didn't give up my dream of becoming a personal trainer. Praise the Lord. 

Can you see me? haha 

What's to come in update #2 and beyond? Visits from family and friends, a new church home, and trips to fun places along east coast. :) 

Thanks everyone! I have missed writing. 

Love to all! 

I waited patiently for the Lord to help me, and he turned to me and heard my cry. Psalm 40:1

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